Park Rules

All park rules, regulations, and conditions of renting must be in writing. The park owner must give each tenant a copy of these rules and regulations.

A specific summary of your rights, printed in large type, must be posted at the beginning of any list of park rules. Park rules must be reasonable to be legal and enforceable.

There are many rules and practices which are specifically made unlawful under RSA 205-A 2. These include (but are not limited to) the following prohibitions:

  1. charging extra rent based on the number of children living in the manufactured home,

  2. charging extra for pets, unless the owner provides a service and has additional expenses due to the pets,

  3. charging for maintenance or repairs to septic systems, electrical lines, water lines, or any underground system, unless the damage is due to misuse by the tenant,

  4. requiring permission for guests unless the guests stay for more than thirty (30) days,

  5. requiring disposal of personal property or pets for which the tenant had prior permission, unless necessary to protect the health and safety of other tenants.

The park owner cannot change any fees, including rent, without providing the tenant with sixty (60) days advance written notice. This notice must provide an explanation of the reasons for the increase and specify the date on which it goes into effect. No rules may be changed without ninety (90) days prior written notice. The park owner must notify each tenant in writing when planning to change the park rules

A violation of the state law regarding park rules can be treated as a violation of the Consumer Protection Act for which a tenant may be awarded actual damages or statutory damages of $1,000. A court also has the authority to double or triple these damages if the park owners’ behavior is deemed to be willful.

The Board of Manufactured Housing offers a more informal way for a manufactured housing owner to challenge a park owners unlawful or unreasonable rules. There is a $25 fee for filing a complaint with the Board of Manufactured Housing, which can be waived if such fee will cause an unfair financial burden on the tenant. It should be noted that the Board of Manufactured Housing does not have the power to deal with rent increases or evictions. Tenants in manufactured housing parks who wish to file a complaint should write the Board of Manufactured Housing at:

Board of Manufactured Housing

57 Regional Drive

Concord, NH 03301

Or call: (603) 271-2219

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Date: October 2014
Author: Legal Advice & Referral Center