Moving Into a Park

A park owner cannot charge a tenant an "entrance fee" just for moving into a manufactured housing park. A new tenant may have to pay for services such as water and electricity hookup, if necessary and actually provided by the park owner. For these services, a park owner cannot charge more than the equivalent of three months’ rent. In addition, a park owner cannot charge more than one month’s rent for a security deposit or damage deposit.

In most cases, it is against the law for a park owner to make tenants buy their manufactured housing from the park owner or some other particular person. If you own a manufactured home, a park which has a space available must let you move in if you meet the park rules and standards for admission.

Two exceptions to this law are: (1) the park is new, or (2) the owner has created a new lot. In either case, the park owner can require someone moving into the park to buy a manufactured home from him or her.

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Date: October 2014
Author: Legal Advice & Referral Center