Scams and Fraud

How Scams Work, How do I protect myself?

How do scammers reach me?

Scammers most commonly contact you through phone calls, emails, text messages, and mail. They almost always ask for your personal information. Personal information includes: name, address, social security number, online username and password, bank account numbers, bank card PINs, and anything else that is unique to you.

They use your personal information to commit a fraud in order to get money. Sometimes the scam targets your money, other times it uses your name and personal information to take money from elsewhere - banks, tax refunds, credit cards, loans taken in your name, etc.

Be suspicious of anyone who contacts you and pressures you to give personal information.

All your personal information should be kept safe and secret if possible. Scammers often use fear, intimidation, or promise of rewards or money to convince you to tell them your personal information.

Tax/IRS scams

Did someone contact you claiming to be from the IRS and ask for personal information? See our page on Tax Scams and Frauds (ADD LINK TO SUBPAGE) to be sure it really is the IRS.

Try Also Reading…

  • Fake Loan-matching sites put consumers at risk

  • ID Theft & Victim Resources

  • Report a fraud or scam

  • Scam warnings, Active Scams

Date: June, 2015
Author: Legal Advice & Referral Center